昨天在查看邮箱时,发现垃圾箱里有一封邮件,标题写着“I RECORDED YOU!”,意思是我已经复制了你的信息,下面是邮件正文,大意是让我交750美金或者用比特币支付,不然他就会把我的信息分享给我所有的朋友、联系人、社交网络……
Hey, check the sender of this email, I sent this email from your email account! I'm a hacker and programmer, some time ago your computer was infected with my private software, RAT (Remote Administration Tool). My malware gave me access to all your accounts, contacts and it was possible to spy on you over your webcam. I was bored and was spying on you, then once I was shocked seeing you started to MASTRUBATE, so I RECORDED YOU! I can share the video of you with all your friends, contacts, post it on social networks and everywhere else! You can stop me, send 750$ with the cryptocurrency Bitcoin (BTC). You can buy Bitcoin (BTC) here: http://www.paxful.com/ , http://www.binance.com/ , http://www.coinbase.com/buy-bitcoin My Bitcoin (BTC) wallet is: 12KyrEMEXBfpUy5KUsPeAQ5YmSgYWz8JGu Copy and paste it, it's (CaSE-SEnSetiVE). Send the Bitcoin (BTC) directly to my wallet, or create your wallet first here: https://login.blockchain.com/#/signup and then send to mine. You got 2 days time. Next time update your browser before browsing the web, so you won't get infected again! MailID: 38942760723894276072
这封邮件的收件人和发件人都是我的邮箱地址,这个骗子是想让我认为他已经黑进了我的邮箱。但是其中有一个漏洞,这封邮件是出现在垃圾箱里的,如果他真的黑进了我的邮箱的话,他用我的邮箱地址给我自己发邮件的话,邮件是绝对不会进入垃圾箱的,所以很明显这是一个骗局。 我把邮件正文分享给大家,是希望大家引以为鉴,平时要小心谨慎地处理垃圾邮件,不要轻易点开未知邮件,防止发生什么麻烦事儿。