
-- Getting CMake variables for x64-windows

CMake Error at scripts/cmake/vcpkg_execute_required_process.cmake:127 (message):

Command failed: "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/Common7/IDE/CommonExtensions/Microsoft/CMake/Ninja/ninja.exe" -v

Working Directory: C:/Users/xxxxx/vcpkg/buildtrees/pkgconf/x64-windows-rel/vcpkg-parallel-configure

Error code: 1

See logs for more information:






Call Stack (most recent call first):

installed/x64-windows/share/vcpkg-cmake/vcpkg_cmake_configure.cmake:269 (vcpkg_execute_required_process)

installed/x64-windows/share/vcpkg-cmake-get-vars/vcpkg_cmake_get_vars.cmake:15 (vcpkg_cmake_configure)

installed/x64-windows/share/vcpkg-tool-meson/vcpkg_configure_meson.cmake:323 (vcpkg_cmake_get_vars)

installed/x64-windows/share/vcpkg-tool-meson/vcpkg_configure_meson.cmake:458 (vcpkg_generate_meson_cmd_args)

ports/pkgconf/portfile.cmake:9 (vcpkg_configure_meson)

scripts/ports.cmake:192 (include)


Here are the key points from the error message and potential steps to resolve the issue:

  1. CMake Error: CMake has encountered an error while trying to execute a required process. The specific error originates from a script related to vcpkg, which is a package manager for C++ libraries.
  2. Command Failed: The Ninja build system (which is invoked by CMake in this context) has failed with an exit code of 1. This suggests that something went wrong during the build process.
  3. Working Directory: The error occurred in the working directory C:/Users/xxxxx/vcpkg/buildtrees/pkgconf/x64-windows-rel/vcpkg-parallel-configure, which is where CMake was trying to configure the build.
  4. Logs: The error message provides paths to several log files that contain more detailed information about the failure. These logs can be reviewed to understand the underlying cause of the error:
  5. CMakeCache.txt.log
  6. CMakeConfigureLog.yaml.log
  7. out.log
  8. Call Stack: The call stack shows the sequence of CMake scripts that were being executed when the error occurred. This can help in tracing back to the root cause or the specific step where the error was triggered.