
Found inconsistent format! input format 1: FracZ with groups 96, selected input format: FracZ with groups 1 RuntimeError: Found inconsistent format or data type! Op: Assign[kernel_graph_0:[CNode]281{[0]: ValueNode Assign, [1]: [CNode]281, [2]: [CNode]281, [3]: [CNode]282}], fullname: Default/Assign-op9011 [ERROR] PRE_ACT(158360, ffffb7e83a40,python):2023-02-10-14:43:16 [mindspore/ccrc/pligin/device/ascend/optimizer/format_type/] CheckFormatForConsistency] Found inconsistent format! Input format 1: FracZ with groups 96, selected input format FracZ with groups 1.


Just comment the following code. init() device_num = config.device_num # get_device_num() rank = get_rank() context.reset_auto_parallel_context() context.set_auto_parallel_context(parallel_mode=ParallelMode.DATA_PARALLEL, gradients_mean=True, \ device_num=device_num)