1. Talk about HashMap, ConcurrentHashMap data structure, the difference between 1.7 and 1.8?
  2. Hashmap What will happen if only one writes the other full reads
  3. Which Map classes have been used, what are the differences, is HashMap thread-safe, what are the maps used concurrently, and what are their internal principles, such as storage methods, hashcode, expansion, default capacity, etc.
  4. The underlying data structure of ArrayList, the underlying data structure of HashMap, and how the HashMap insertion process is implemented
  5. Are there sequential Map implementation classes, and if so, how are they ordered.
  6. Why HashMap gets and sets are so fast, and why concurrentHashMap improves concurrency
  7. Talk about your understanding of HashMap, the basic implementation of the underlying principle, and how does HashMap solve the collision problem? The underlying structure of the map, the storage structure
  8. Solve the concurrency problem of MAP (3 types)
  9. Three ways to traverse the hashmap
  10. How ConcurrentHashMap is used
  11. How is ConcurrentHashmap's lock added? Isn't it better to have more segments
  12. ConcurrentHashmap Find size How to lock it, and what to do if it changes after just after finding a paragraph
  13. Why did JAVA8's ConcurrentHashMap abandon segmentation locks, what's the problem, and if you design it, how do you design it.
  14. Talk about data structures such as TreeMap, binary tree, red and black tree.
  15. B-tree、B+tree? B-tree B+ tree
  16. What is the difference between left-handed and right-handed red-black trees? Red and black tree deletion algorithm
  17. What is a balanced binary tree?
  18. What is the time complexity of the bubbling sort algorithm?
  19. Quick ranking algorithm implementation
  20. Quick sort performance considerations
  21. Comparison of several sorting and query algorithms
  22. Binary tree traversal
  23. The implementation process of binary trees, and the advantages and disadvantages of binary trees
  24. Time complexity of binary lookup, binary search algorithm
  25. Binary search tree
  26. Description of array and linked list data structures, respective time complexity.