Write a Python3 program that receives a list of strings on standard input, one per line,

reverses each string, and prints them to standard output.

Here is a simple program that will receive a list of strings on standard input, reverse each

string, and print them to standard output:

while True:


line = inputQO

except EOFError:


printCline[: :-1])

To use this program, you can simply copy and paste the code into a file and run it with a

Python interpreter. For example, you could save the code to a file called ~reverse.py~

and run it like this:

python3 reverse.py

You will then be able to enter strings, one per line, and the program will reverse each

string and print the result. When you are finished, you can press ~CTRL+D~ (on Linux or

macOS) or ~CTRL+Z* (on Windows) to indicate that there are no more strings to be

entered, and the program will exit.