1. The difference between DAOs and traditional organizations.

All DAO decisions are collectively decided, the most common way is for organization members to obtain proposal rights and voting rights by holding the autonomous organization's tokens, and when the decision is conceptualized, there will be open source smart contracts to replace the traditional company management execution, and everything in this process is completely public and runs on the decentralized blockchain.

Among them, the most characteristic model of blockchain is the use of smart contracts, whether it is the use of organizational funds (treasury) or making large and small decisions for the organization, the results must be obtained through democratic voting, and the content of smart contracts is completely unchangeable unless it is voted.

2. Famous DAO organization.


Founded on Ethereum in 2014, Material uses a dual-token mechanism to provide a decentralized stablecoin $DAI, and a governance token $MKR. Material adopts a token-based membership, similar to the shareholders of the company, unlike the equivalent of each vote of the general democratic mechanism, voters determine the voting weight by the number of $MKR they hold, and the more $MKR they have, the greater the influence on the voting results. As a decentralized dollar stablecoin, $DAI's lending interest rate is determined by community voting, and the interest rate will be adjusted according to the current currency situation, but because of the rules of its token equity mechanism, it will lead to the concentration of power in the hands of the $MKR whale, and when contrary to the interests of the group, the rights of a few people are likely to be ignored.


"THETA" is the name of a specific DAO organization conceived by the team behind German startup Slock.it Slock.it is a company focused on "smart locks" that allow people to exchange things (fits, boats, apartments, etc.) in a decentralized version of Airbnb. Theta started on April 30, 2016, raised more than $100 million as of May 15, and by the end of the fundraising period, more than 11,000 enthusiastic members had participated, raising $150 million, making it the largest crowdfunding project in history. Theta raised far more money than its creators expected.


At present, one of the hottest DAO projects abroad, it has received more than 10 million US dollars of investment in a short period of time, which is used for the development of the underlying code development of the project, community building activities, public welfare activities, etc.

This is a true DAO project, with the vision of full autonomy, which is being realized step by step. The community token RRC adopts the Gnosis Safe wallet to achieve signature management, and community members are authorized to sign and transfer only after 50% pass, which is undoubtedly the charm of DAO and the core competitive advantage of SUPERMAN. But at the same time, it also exposes a problem, which will undoubtedly delay a lot of time in the process of RRC decision issuance.

SUPERMAN's decentralized demand comprehensive platform is currently under construction, which will attract many high-quality projects to publish tasks on its platform, and RRC holders will receive platform dividends. This may be a new hot spot in the current sluggish market.