The user data policy is becoming more and more strict in recent years. After you finished the development, you will publish your APP apk bundle on Google Play, which a really a huge platform over the world. But sometimes, your publish may be rejected due to some reasons like what I listed below.
  • Be linked on your app's store listing page in Play Console and within the app itself. (Both in Play Console and in the App itself.)
  • Clearly indicate that the page is a privacy policy (for example, listed as "privacy policy" in the title or has “privacy” in the URL and body of the page).
  • Be readable in a standard browser without any plug-ins or special handlers (for example, no directly downloadable, editable PDFs, no uncommon MIME types).
  • Be available on an active, visible URL.
  • Be non-editable.
  • Have a URL that links to a single governing privacy policy in your website and/or Play Store listing rather than one that points to multiple privacy policies.
  • Include the name of the app or entity (for example, developer or company) named in the app’s store listing.
  • Comprehensively disclose how your app accesses, collects, uses, and shares user data. This must include:
    • developer information and a privacy point of contact or a mechanism to submit inquiries
    • disclosing the types of personal and sensitive user data your app accesses, collects, uses, and shares; and any parties with which any personal or sensitive user data is shared
    • secure data handling procedures for personal and sensitive user data
    • the developer’s data retention and deletion policy