上周日有个网站莫名其妙发生宕机,我以为是遭受了黑客攻击,然后检查了一下代码,发现没有什么问题,网站的访问量也非常正常,但无论如何就是无法访问网站。后来实在没办法就去咨询了云服务器的工程师,他们也没有发现有什么问题。 最后,我备份了网站,然后进行了重装,然后过了一会网站就可以正常访问了,真是不明就里。 结果今天早上在看邮箱的时候发现了这封来自域名注册商的邮件。原来是域名注册商的域名服务器遭受了DDoS attack 。然后因为仓促,他们也没有及时给我们发邮件。我多花了2个多小时!!!
On Sunday evening, our Name Servers were unavailable due to a DDoS attack on our servers. While our on-call engineering teams worked diligently to bring our servers back up as quickly as possible there was a crucial communication protocol that was overlooked by the team. Unfortunately, the downtime was not properly communicated internally which caused the lack of communication with our customers.Our team is currently working on upgrading our DDoS protection on all of our products and services. We have identified a number of things that we can do better not only technically but also in the way we communicate with you. We will work on having a better line of communication during service disruptions to make sure we keep you in the loop.We truly apologize for this downtime and our lack of communication and know that we must do better moving forward.
有时候生活就是这样,因为一些跟我们不直接相关的因素导致出现了某个问题,我们要跟着受牵连。这种事偶有发生,见怪不怪。 这里建议大家在选择技术方案或者是技术提供方案的时候,一定要选择靠谱、稳定的,选择不靠谱的技术或者是跟不靠谱的公司合作,结果都会是无穷无尽的麻烦