Google Pay已经支持一大堆支付网关了,包括国内的乒乓(PingPong)、首易信、国富宝等等。 那么如何使用Google Pay呢?以下是谷歌官方客服的回答。
1. The Google Pay API can only act as a facilitator of payments between a user and a merchant. Please note: The Google Pay API does not process your payments nor are we a payment processor. All merchants will need to work with a qualified payment gateway on their own. The processors that are currently supported are listed here. 2. The Google Pay API doesn’t support digital goods based on our Terms of Service - which requires that the purchases be for non-digital goods on Android. Purchases with the Google Pay API must be for physical goods and services that can be consumed outside of the application.
我解释一下。 第一,Google Pay只是一个钱包并不负责收付款,如果你想用Google Pay进行收付款,需要绑定Stripe、PingPong等支付网关。这就好比你有一个支付宝账户,但是还需要绑定银行卡才能进行转账。支付宝只是一个钱包。 第二,Google Pay不支持虚拟产品,只支持实物产品( physical goods,例如衣服、鞋子、电子产品等等可以摸得着的物理产品)和服务。

为什么Midium可以使用Google Pay呢?

[caption id="attachment_3521" align="alignleft" width="763"]Medium.com可以使用googlepay Medium.com可以使用googlepay[/caption] 我查了一个Google Pay的用户条款,如下:
With respect to the sale of digital products and services, these terms apply for any transactions completed exclusively through a web browser. If You want to sell digital products or services through mobile applications, You may not use the API (please see In-App Billing).To the extent You use the API in connection with any regulated financial services transactions, You represent and warrant that You possess all applicable licenses and registrations for such transactions, and You acknowledge that Google expressly disclaims any obligations arising out of Your use of the API in connection with regulated financial services transactions.
浏览器可以使用Google Pay销售虚拟产品,但是手机App不能。