2022-07-30 23:04:15
Error Searching for inspections failed: undefined method `map' for nil:NilClass .......... Error running pod install Error launching application on iPhone SE (3rd generation). Solution sudo rm -...
2022-07-30 22:43:41
Error Error (Xcode): failed to emit precompiled header '/Users/usename/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Runner-dcuarkqxyzyelbdtgvnwacsbaues/Build/Intermediates.noindex/PrecompiledHeaders/Runner-Br...
2022-07-30 22:34:02
Error Error (Xcode): 'Flutter/Flutter.h' file not found /Users/dandan/flutter_projects/myapp/ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h:9:8 Solution First backup your ios folder and delete the ios f...
2022-07-30 22:30:22
Error It appears that your application still contains the default signing identifier. Try replacing 'com.example' with your signing id in Xcode: open ios/Runner.xcworkspace Encountered error...
2022-07-30 21:54:00
If the official Flutter source is too slow, you can switch the official source to some other sources. Just copy the following command to your Terminal. vim ~/.bash_profile //open bash profile i...
2022-07-30 21:48:26
Open terminal in Terminal on Mac, and input the following command: sudo chown YourUserName ~/.bash_profile export PATH="$PATH:/Users/YourUserName/flutter/bin" echo $PATH which flutter You c...
2022-07-30 21:45:31
Reason: Certificate or Provisioning file is not right Solution: Open Runner.xcworkspace in XCode Deselect ‘Automatically managing signing’ and reselect it. This can make sure Xcode choose...
2022-07-23 13:10:59
刚才在黑猫投诉上看到一条投诉淘宝修手机的店铺的,投诉的原因也没有什么大事儿,就是这个买家把手机寄过去让淘宝商家给检测一下,淘宝商家检测完之后说维修要花1100块钱,这位买家估计嫌贵于是说不修了,让给寄回来。本来这件事应该没什么大事,把手机寄回来就可以了。 可是,我看了一下聊天记录,我觉得买家说的这句话估计让卖家生气了。所以,卖家故意拖着不给寄回去。 [caption id="attac...
2022-07-22 16:38:19
复刻世界的想法 最近一直在看元宇宙、Web相关的内容。 个人有一个不成熟的想法,元宇宙能否基于AR/VR等技术复刻出一个体验较好的虚拟世界。 这个虚拟的世界可以由很多公司基于行业标准搭建,也可以由某一个巨头搭建,但最终能否被大众认可取决于其用户体验及用户规模(人很多才叫世界)。 在这个虚拟世界里,类似现实世界,有很多城市,有一线城市(流量高地),也有中心地段、商业街,也有二线城...
2022-07-20 08:14:16
When I update an app on Google Play, a warning message appeared. Critical issues have been reported with the following SDK versions: com.google.android.gms:play-services-safetynet:17.0.0Wh...