[Solved] ERROR: An error occurred when attempting to create the SqlClient

2023/06/05 19:24


ERROR: An error occurred when attempting to create the SqlClient

metricflow.errors.errors.SqlClientCreationException: An error occurred when attempting to create the SqlClient


In my case, it was caused by using the ellipsis tillipsis “~” in the HOME directory for the dwh_path_to_creds value in the config.yml file.
I was able to connect by specifying the full path like “/Users/y-tsuzaki/” instead of “~”.

– dwh_path_to_creds: ~/.metricflow/my_gcp_service_account.json # Provide the path to the BigQuery credential file, ignore to use ADC auth

+ dwh_path_to_creds: /Users/y-tsuzaki/.metricflow/my_gcp_service_account.json # Provide the path to the BigQuery credential file, ignore to use ADC auth

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